Wednesday 5 December 2012

Wedding season in India - what a noisy affair

Found out today that December and January is the wedding season in India.  We noticed a few cars today covered with beautiful flowers, rows and rows of threaded marigolds, chrysanthemums and roses.  Not sure how the driver can see to drive because the whole car is covered.
We asked Deepak and he explained this was the wedding car.
Wedding season, that explains the fireworks we have been hearing at night.  I just thought typical India anything goes.

OMG!!!!!!  The noise tonight is unbelievable, not sure how I am going to get to sleep.  Can't believe Jim is sleeping through it.

We arrived in Mandawa this afternoon at 4.30 pm and within a half hour music started blaring from down the road somewhere but sounds like it is next door it is so loud.  The music itself is not too bad, sounds like a Hindi radio station but it is now 8.30 pm and the radio has been turned off and has been replaced by the live entertainment.  I hope they didn't pay them up front, I would be asking for my money back.  It is lot of banging on drums with someone singing, I think it is singing, hard to tell because their sound technician obviously isn't one.
Bloody hell, a firecracker has just gone off during the live entertainment, that gave me a fright.
The music has stopped and it must be the fireworks display now.  Thankfully that only lasted a few minutes.
Great, now we are back to the live entertainment.  It sounds like an accordion being played off key with someone trying to sing along with drums being banged that have nothing to do with the accordion player nor the singer who sounds like he doesn't know what he is meant to be singing or doing.

I am very lucky (that is not being sarcastic) the wedding procession just passed the haveli entrance so I can see it all from our window.  The haveli room has many little square windows looking down over the street.  I can see the groom sitting on an elephant, I know from Bollywood movies he is on his way to the wedding ceremony.  I can also see the drummer and he is just banging a huge bit of wood on a drum.  All the guests are in the procession and dancing down the street as well.

It is now 10.30 pm and the noise is still very loud even though it passed a half hour ago.  Hopefully by the time the groom reaches the bride for the ceremony the noise will stop but who knows how long that will be.

It is a disaster as our friend Kenny would say.  As I keep saying it can only happen in India!


  1. Well Hap.....if you can't sleep at least you're being entertained -India style :-)

    Sounds chaotic, but all part of the experience. Enjoy.


  2. Love your blog Happy. Great writing and you give a great sense of the 'presence' of the place. Beautiful!
    I almost feel I should give you a mark out of ten. Love ML.

  3. hope you eventually got a good night's sleep Happy , i would love to have seen the groom on the elephant, as u say it would only happen in India ,take care xx

  4. Oh how funny! You describe it so well......typical Jim sleeping through the noise!

  5. Hi Happy and Jimmy from Harriet. We are all missing you especially grandma who wants you to be at the library. She can't even remember the new persons name on purpose.:-)

  6. I like the bit about Jim sleeping soundly xx
