Friday 21 December 2012

Fantasy rock garden Chandigarh 19 Dec 12

Nek Chand created this 25-acre garden made of recycled junk and organic materials. 
After independence he came across from Pakistan and decided to stay in the newly formed state of Chandigarh.  He created his art for 15 years before the government discovered he was on government land, they admired his work (and methods of recycling) so employed him and helpers to keep up his art/work.
It truly is a maze of intrigue.  Each archway opened up to another amazing area.  What a brillant story.
Jim had seen Brett Lee at these gardens on TV so was keen to visit.
Deepak joined us for a tour of the gardens as he not seen them before unlike most of the other sites we have seen. The next morning he told us that he posted one of his photos from his phone onto his Facebook page and his friends commented "great photos". 
One of many waterfalls in the gardens

Under each archway there was a long swing & there were many archways

Who do you think liked this statue?

Ladies made of old bangles

1 comment:

  1. love the ladies made with old bangles - novel idea for a quirky garden statue :)
